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Where to find each nutrient:

Proteins: meat, fish and nuts are the protagonists of this nutrient. It can also be found in high quantities in pulses and all dairy products. Some meat and fish has also a lot of fats, watch out! ​


Carbohydrates: can be found in most cereals products. Pasta, bread and potatoes are high in carbohydrates. It is better to eat whole grain pasta or bread because it has more fibre. Some of them, like pastry and sugar, are known as short chain carbohydrates, and they aren't very healthy. ​


Fats: they should be divided in bad fats (saturated and trans fats) and good fats (unsaturated fats). We should avoid the first ones and only eat the second ones. Saturated fats can be found in beef, pork and some cheese. Trans fats can be found in all fried food and pastry. Unsaturated fats can be found in nuts, avocado, salmon, sardine, tofu, seeds... ​


Vitamins: fresh food such as vegetables and fruit are the ones with more vitamins. Each vegetable or fruit can have more or less of different vitamins. For example, kiwi and strawberries have a lot of vitamins C and carrots a lot of vitamin K. All vitamins are important. ​


Minerals: vegetables, fruits and whole grains are the one with more minerals. Each of these can have more or less of different minerals. For example, iron can be found in meat and nuts, potassium in bananas and zinc in wholegrain cereals. ​


Fibre: vegetables, fruits and whole grains are the ones with more fibre. Artichokes, lettuce, almonds are examples of foods with lots of fibre.

Where to find nutrients activity:

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