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Parts of the digestive system:

The digestive tube:

  1. Mouth: first part of the digestive tube. Cavity where you chew the food and you mix it with saliva. Parts: teeth and tongue.

  2. Oesophagus: second part of the tube where you swallow food+saliva.

  3. Stomach: organ that mixes food, salive and bile. Remember bile is produced by some of the helper glands. 

  4. Small intestine: part of the tube where absorption (passing the nutrients to the blood) occurs, thank you to capillaries. It can be 10.5m long. Appendix gland is a part of it.

  5. Large intestine: this part of the tube that prepares waste to be eliminated.

  6. Rectum: final part of the larg intestine.

  7. Anus: final part of the digestive tube where was is expulsed.

Helper glands:

  1. Salivary glands: produce saliva.

  2. Liver: produces bile and cleans the blood.

  3. Pancreas: produces bile and controls sugar.

  4. Gall bladder: saves bile and filter liquids.

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